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Property Crimes


Theft is the act of unlawfully taking someone else's property without their consent, regardless of whether the intent is to keep it permanently or temporarily. It also includes converting another person's property for personal benefit without authorization.

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Break and Enter

Break and Enter is the unauthorized entry into a residence, business, or other property with the intent to commit a crime. Forced entry is not necessary, and charges can apply even if no theft or damage occurs.

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Extortion is the act of using threats, accusations, or violence to coerce someone into surrendering something against their will. This can include money, property, promises, or other tangible or intangible benefits.

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Mischief involves the intentional destruction, damage, or interference with someone else's property. This includes rendering property useless, dangerous, or obstructing lawful use and enjoyment by others.

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Arson refers to intentionally or recklessly causing damage by fire or explosion to property or structures. The Criminal Code identifies five types of arson: disregard for human life, damage to property, burning one's own property, arson for fraudulent purposes, and negligence-related arson.

Learn more about Arson