Possession of Narcotics is defined under Part 1, section 4(1) of the CDSA as the act of having a substance listed in Schedule I, II, or III without authorization. To secure a conviction, the prosecution must prove the accused had knowledge of the substance's presence and its nature.
Learn more about Possession of Narcotics
Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking
Possession for the Purpose of Traffickinginvolves having a controlled substance with the intent to distribute or sell it. The quantity of the substance plays a crucial role in distinguishing between personal possession and possession for trafficking purposes.
Learn more about Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking
Drug Trafficking
Drug Trafficking refers to the act of distributing, selling, or offering to sell a substance listed in Schedule I through V. Even without direct evidence of sale, possession with intent to distribute can result in a trafficking charge.
Learn more about Drug Trafficking
Drug Production
Drug production involves manufacturing, cultivating, or altering a controlled substance listed in Schedule I through V without proper authorization. This includes any activity to create or extract the substance from its source.
Learn more about Drug Production
Importing and Exporting Scheduled Substances
Importing and Exporting Scheduled Substances is a criminal offence when substances listed in the CDSA schedules are transported into or out of Canada without proper authorization.
Learn more about Importing and Exporting Scheduled Substances